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捷克國寶佩卓夫 (Petrof) 鋼琴是歐洲音樂家一致公認為世界五大帝王級鋼琴─—當中包括蓓森朵夫 (Bösendorfer)、佩卓夫(Petrof)、斯坦威(Steinway & sons)、 貝茨斯坦 (Bechstein. C)、法奇奧裡 (Fazioli)。 其中佩卓夫和蓓森夫同屬維也納兩大名琴,但因奧地利在第一次世界大戰戰敗,於凡爾塞條約中讓出部分領土給捷克獨立,因此佩卓夫鋼琴就從此由維也納名琴變成捷克國寶。

有150年歷史的歐洲 Petrof 鋼琴,在世界鋼琴評鑒中,連獲40面金牌獎,為全歐洲最大的鋼琴銷售工廠,目前全世界有80個國家代理銷售。其全年的產量只需一天,就被世界各國的代理商搶購一空,實是世界鋼琴界罕見的現象。亞洲鋼琴城憑著其專業的態度及對樂器質素的堅持,於2015年正式成為 Petrof 的合作顆伴,並得到 Petrof 鋼琴於澳門的特許經營權。Petrof 鋼琴載譽而來,勢必在濠光綻放異彩。

Exclusive Distributor.MACAU

Petrof of the Czech Republic is rightly crowned as one of the top five pianos of the world, a title that includes Bösendorfer, Petrof, Steinway & Sons, C. Bechstein, Fazioli.  The first piano was built in 1864, and since then it has become part of the treasured heritage of the Czech country and its people.

In 150 years of its history, it has received over 40 medals and is now one of the biggest manufacturers of pianos in Europe, exporting to over 80 countries in the world.  Its yearly production can be sold within a day to its dealers, a rare phenomenon in the industry.  Fuji Asia Piano Services has long been an admirer of Petrof's prestige and exacting demands on its pianos, and we are honoured to become a Petrof exclusive dealer in Macau in 2015.  Petrof's arrival into this former Portuguese colony will spell a new chapter in its music and cultural history.

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